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Pharmaceutical Packaging and Labelling Summit
Conference - Health - Switzerland
From Jun 18 2019 to Jun 20 2019
Attending price is:2000 USD
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Adhering to regulations, increasing patient safety and compliance, detering counterfeiters, building brand recognition and customer loyalty... Pharmaceutical packaging and labelling professionals have a lot to account for! So how can you achieve all of this is a timely and cost efficient manneræ

With expert advice from leading representatives from across pharma, biotech, and industry associations, this June over 100 pharma industry professionals will gather in Zurich, Switzerland, for Europe’s most senior-level industry-led and labelling event – the Pharmaceutical Packaging and Labelling Summit.

Over three days of exclusive case studies, interactive trouble shooting sessions, engaging round-table discussions, senior-level panels, and informal networking at our now famous fairground drinks reception, we will bring together pharmaceutical leaders from all functional groups across packaging, serialisation, artwork and labelling.

With the majority of top 20 pharma in attendance every year, as well as fantastic representation from international small and medium pharma, the knowledge in the room is invaluable, and unrivaled in Europe. If you have any challenges in your packaging and labelling strategy, you cannot afford to miss out on the strategic discussions, knowledge-sharing and exclusive case studies on offer.

Venue address:
Crowne Plaza Zurich
Badenerstrasse 420 Zurich 8040 Switzerland

Sectors: Health  Science
Positions: C-suite (C-level executives)


Game Quality Forum Global
Pharmaceutical Brand Protection and Anti-Counterfeiting Forum
Big Data Analytics for Financial Services

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Country: UK

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